Thursday 10 May 2012

Focus - focus with set aperture

At this exercise I had to photograph scene with depth and use the lowest f-number (wide aperture). Than I focused on different parts of chosen object to see how by using different point of focus, attention of viewers would change.

On my exercise I chose a swing bar after rain. I have chosen aperture f 2.8 for it's great shallow depth of field. On first picture I focused at the point closest to me, on second somewhere in the middle and the last picture was focused at the end of the bar.

After processing I found out that thanks to different focus point my attention could be led to certain point and make the picture more or less interesting. 

While in the first picture (focused on the closest point to me) my attention was drawn straight away to the focused point, by the other pictures, I had to follow that "focus" line to reach that part of object which was in focus. 

For me the most interesting images were those focused in the middle and on the end of the swing bar. 

This exercise clearly shows us how observers attention can be led through the whole image to the certain point, photographer intended to draw his attention to. 

I have added some more pictures of different object with the same aperture of f 2.8.

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